Nestled on the north western side of Hunan Province in China is this amazing village, "Zhang Jia Jie" (named after the ethnic tribes of the 'Zhang' family ancestry). Breathtaking landscapes behold...yet presenting a very mysterious feeling. Abundantly surrounded by forest reserves and formations of sand stone 'karst' rising from the ground, creating scenes of a perfect Chinese painting, depicting mountains, streams, river and inhabitants.
'10 Mile Corridor' train ride
through the edge of the forest reserve.
Travelling at a comfortable speed
of that like a brush stroke,
cleverly executing the world's longest Chinese painting.
Before our eyes, beautifully painted
caressed with a misty effect...
...what a sight! mysterious... unsurpassed scene!
Next came the world's first elevator ever built on the side of a mountain, serviced by clear glass bubble lifts. Ascending some amazingly tens of storeys high is like going onto another close to the cliff face. A very different perspective awaits us from the mountain top as we start to take in nature's wonder.....some locations allow us to have a bird's eyeview as if from a helicopter ride.
A natural bridge across another mountain gives access to an old house still existing and open to tourists and there are still a handful of dwellings among all these mountains.
Finally.....get to witness the "AVATAR" hallelujah mountain .... majestically standing on its own in full view ... wish I could scale (ab-sailing) this magnificent sand stone and go in search for my 'ikran'...the avatar bird ... hmmmm ... ...unfortunately, I did not have the honour to meet those Navi tribes aka blue inhabitants.
A cable car ride down the mountains ended my journey with a most unforgettable experience of such spectacular sights only my memory can cherish!
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